Section: New Results

Big Data Analysis

Big Data Analysis using Algebraic Workflows

Participants : Jonas Dias, Patrick Valduriez.

Analyzing big data requires the support of dataflows with many activities to extract and explore relevant information from the data. Recent approaches such as Pig Latin propose a high-level language to model such dataflows. However, the dataflow execution is typically delegated to a MapReduce implementation such as Hadoop, which does not follow an algebraic approach, thus it cannot take advantage of the optimization opportunities of PigLatin algebra.

In [35] , we propose an approach for big data analysis based on algebraic workflows, which yields optimization and parallel execution of activities and supports user steering using provenance queries. We illustrate how a big data processing dataflow can be modeled using the algebra. Through an experimental evaluation using real datasets and the execution of the dataflow with Chiron, an engine that supports our algebra, we show that our approach yields performance gains of up to 19.6% using algebraic optimizations in the dataflow and up to 39% of time saved on a user steering scenario.

This work was done in the context of the CNPq-Inria Hoscar project and FAPERJ-Inria P2Pcloud project .

Big Data Partitioning

Participants : Reza Akbarinia, Miguel Liroz, Esther Pacitti, Patrick Valduriez.

The amount of data that is captured or generated by modern computing devices has augmented exponentially over the last years. For processing this big data, parallel computing has been a major solution in both industry and research. This is why, the MapReduce framework, which provides automatic distribution parallelization and fault-tolerance in a transparent way over lowcost machines, has become one of the standards in big data analysis.

For processing a big dataset over a cluster of nodes, one main step is data partitioning (or fragmentation) to divide the dataset to the nodes. In our team, we study the problem of data partitioning in two different contexts: (1) in scientific databases that are continuously growing and (2) in the MapReduce framework. In both cases, we propose automatic approaches, which are performed transparently to the users, in order to free them from the burden of complex partitioning.

In [25] , we consider applications with very large databases, where data items are continuously appended. Thus, the development of efficient data partitioning is one of the main requirements to yield good performance. In particular, this problem is harder in the case of some scientific databases, such as astronomical catalogs. The complexity of the schema limits the applicability of traditional automatic approaches based on the basic partitioning techniques. The high dynamicity makes the usage of graph-based approaches impractical, as they require to consider the whole dataset in order to come up with a good partitioning scheme. In our work, we propose DynPart and DynPartGroup, two dynamic partitioning algorithms for continuously growing databases [25] . These algorithms efficiently adapt the data partitioning to the arrival of new data elements by taking into account the affinity of new data with queries and fragments. In contrast to existing static approaches, our approach offers constant execution time, no matter the size of the database, while obtaining very good partitioning efficiency. We validate our solution through experimentation over real-world data; the results show its effectiveness.

In [37] and [43] , we address the problem of high data transfers in MapReduce, and propose a technique that repartitions tuples of the input datasets. Our technique optimizes the distribution of key-values over mappers, and increases the data locality in reduce tasks. It captures the relationships between input tuples and intermediate keys by monitoring the execution of a set of MapReduce jobs which are representative of the workload. Then, based on those relationships, it assigns input tuples to the appropriate chunks. With this data repartitioning and a smart scheduling of reducer tasks, our approach significantly contributes to the reduction of transferred data between mappers and reducers in job executions. We evaluate our approach through experimentation in a Hadoop deployment on top of Grid5000 using standard benchmarks. The results show high reduction in data transfer during the shuffle phase compared to Native Hadoop.